Welcome to Richard Lee Ministries

Rev. Richard Lee

Welcome to our fundamentalist Pentecostal Christian website that seeks to address various religious issues exclusively from a "Born Again" evangelical and Pentecostal perspective.

Unlike other "seeker sensitive" churches, this ministry makes no apology for standing for traditional marriage and total separation from non-evangelical churches that do not teach the great heritage of the Protestant Reformation.

Our goal is not to be "inclusive" and "understanding," but rather to proclaim the exclusive truth that Jesus Christ is the only savior of humanity who will one day judge Buddha, Mohammad, and others who die in their sins.

Our Ministry Focus

This ministry stands against contemporary movements that compromise biblical truth:

  • The Purpose Driven movement
  • Contemplative spirituality
  • The Emergent Church movement

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Your friend in and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

Richard Lee

President, Richard Lee Ministries