Many non-Christians who seek out Christian websites have many questions they want answered. Unfortunately, it can be frustrating when some churches or individual Christians give no answers, or even worse, simplistic answers to very complex problems. I hope that this is not the case on this website.
However, it is useless, even tragic, when people seek out more knowledge without coming to know truth. Jesus Christ claimed that he was the ultimate Truth (John 14:6). This "Priceless Page" is meant as an invitation for you to say "yes" to following Jesus Christ.
Many have investigated the claims of the Christian faith, and have come to believe that the Bible is accurate and that the Jesus of history was God's Son. If you accept that Jesus was who he claimed to be, and that he proved it when he rose from the dead, then you have a challenge.
Jesus' promise is very simple: "All that the Father (God) gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away," (The Gospel According to John, chapter 6 verse 37).
Jesus' call to be his follower is not an easy call. It's a call to discipleship that carries a price. This price begins with the fact that all of us are human beings who have failed God and each other, and we must realize this fact.
You and I have failed God and others in our thoughts, our actions, our words. All of the world's religions have sought for a solution to this collective "guilt" that we bear, and usually the solutions revolve around how we can "pay" for our misdeeds.
The "Good News" or Gospel of Jesus Christ simply says that we DO NOT have to pay for our own misdeeds! Jesus Christ, the only perfect one who ever lived, paid a horrendous price for every misdeed ever committed.
A Prayer of Faith
I invite you right now to turn your life over to God. The following prayer doesn't "save" anyone, but it's just a way to "break the ice" with God. If you are ready to become a disciple of Jesus, then please join me in this prayer:
Dear God, I come to You knowing that I've wronged You and others in my life through my thoughts, my actions, and my words. Please forgive me. I believe that Jesus Christ was Your son, who died for me. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that You raised Jesus from the dead, and that You give eternal life to those who ask. Right now, I ask that Jesus become the Lord and Savior of my life. Please give me this eternal life that You promised. Help me to live for You and to serve You, and please teach me what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Amen.