
Testimonies of Christian conversion are welcome. Those wishing to submit testimonies must provide names, addresses, and phone numbers for verification, although such will not be published if you so request. Please send them to our contact e-mail.

Placing Faith in the Baptizer, Not the Baptism

by David Vivas, Jr.

"Am I your brother in Christ, yes or no?" asked Dr. Walter Martin in a debate with United Pentecostal Church representatives Nathaniel Urshan and Robert Sabin, which took place on the John Ankerberg Show in 1985...

Looking back now, I can see the bondage of the people caused by presumed self-righteousness - which they flaunted by their holy attire. It became, as the Apostle Paul said, "... a form of godliness" (2 Timothy 3:5).

Now that I am out of the UPC, I have found out what true liberty in Christ is. My identity is now with The Baptizer, and not with a baptism. My sincere prayer for those who are trapped inside of a legalistic movement, such as the UPC, is for them to come out and experience what true freedom in Christ is, and that in their search for truth, they will come to know Him who is Truth.

Rev. David Vivas, Jr.

Integrity of Faith Ministries

P.O. Box 250

Delano, CA 93216


Your friend in and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

Richard Lee

President, Richard Lee Ministries